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A word or phrase serving as the prefatory greeting in a letter or speech, as Dear Sir in a letter or Ladies and Gentlemen in a speech.


Really Simple Syndication: This technology feeds specified syndicated content, such as news headlines and announcements to the desktop. In order to use this technology, a news aggregator or newsreader will need to be downloaded and installed.

Revenue Type

Indicates the type of revenue for a revenue record, e.g. payment, recurring gift, pledge.

Revenue Records

Revenue records contain detailed information about a donation given by a specific constituent, for example, the date, amount, and transaction type. Revenue records are designed to store all information for a single revenue or transaction in one place. Revenue includes a variety of transaction types, e.g., gift, pledge, recurring gift, matching gift claim, and payment. Each time revenue is received, a new revenue record must be created to add the revenue to the database. Later, acknowledgements and receipts for the revenue received may be created.

Revenue Note Type

How to classify a note on the gift record which is a user defined table.


Gifts, pledges, memberships, planned gift payments and event registration fees.


The retention rate is an important measurement in direct marketing because it signifies the number of and percentage of donors that a nonprofit is retaining year over year.  Donor acquisition is expensive for an organization.  It is crucial that organizations retain donors from year to year.

Restricted Fund

Fund established to account for assets, the income from which must be used for purposes established by donors or grantors of such assets.

Response Rate

The number of responses received from a mailing, expressed as a percentage of the total number mailed.

Response Pending Opportunity Status

When an opportunity status is response pending, this signifies that the ask has been made and the fundraiser is awaiting a response from the prospect.