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Acknowledgement Process

Located in the Marketing and Communications area of Davie, process backed up by specific queries for each site. Running the process creates a list of donors to be thanked for their gifts.

Each site may have multiple processes, depending upon their criteria for acknowledging gifts. i.e. – regular gifts, recurring gifts, tributes, etc.


The device (letter, postcard, phone call) that thanks the donor for his/her gift.


The constituent being thanked for a gift.

Accepted Opportunity Status

An accepted opportunity status signifies that the prospect confirms that he/she will contribute based on the solicitation. This does not necessarily mean the gift or pledge is booked. Gift services staff can link an accepted opportunity to incoming revenue. The ask amount should be also updated at this stage to signify the amount accepted.

Annual Gift Plan Type

Lasts for one year, generally applied to gifts of less than $25,000.


An alias is a secondary identification or acronym used to identify a constituent. For example, an alias for Business Information Systems may be BIS and an alias for a constituent may be a stage name or a known name while attending the University. Aliases.


A correction to the constituent, coding, amount, or type (ex: hard to recognition credit) of a donation. Adjustments can be presented by donors or internal staff.


The one to whom something is addressed; the person, company, or the like to whom a piece of mail is addressed.


Process taken when a marketing effort is complete and ready to mail in “real life”; Must be done in order to create finder numbers and attach them to each individual record in preparation for revenue processing.


Define what a user is allowed to do on a selected section or page. The program supports two action types: section level actions and page level actions.