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  • Stands for “Principal Gift Prospect”
  • Capacity = $5M+ gift
  • Inclination = possible
  • May choose not to flag A-rated prospects as PGP’s if development officer knows the inclination is simply not there to give a principal gift (example: non-alumni, A-rated prospects who gave to Carolina for Kibera only, not even realizing it was part of UNC). In most cases, their A-rating will remain if they are inclined to give smaller gifts.
  • In cases where A-rated prospects specifically told UNC not to contact them, or development officer says it’s a dead end, we will change their rating to “XA-rated.”
  • Not all PGP’s will be rated “A.” Some will be rated B, C, D, etc. because they do not have verifiable assets of $100M+, but internal or volunteer sources confirm the capacity to give $5M+, so they are coded PGP. (Example: never married, no children, bequest is half of estate and valued at $5 million+).
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