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A channel is a method of soliciting a constituent or a prospect in direct marketing.  Examples of channels include mail, phone and email.


Document(s) intended for marketing to a constituent or to a prospect.


The department/school where a constituent received their degree. (Such as KFBS, Law, Public Health)


The act of creating gifts in the database that have been entered through batch.

Commitment Plan Type

Used to steward a donor who has a documented planned gift or during a multiple year pledge payment period.

Committed Batch

A batch that has been “committed” for entry in the constituent database; all records are now updated with new gift information. This does not mean the transactions have been posted to the financial system.

Committee Record

A board or committee such as Board of Visitors, Board of Trustees, class reunion committee. Committee records maintain names of all members linked.

Communication Preference

A restriction that limits communication to a constituent through a specified medium, such as email, telephone, or postal mail.


This category in Davie includes appeals, marketing efforts, general correspondence, acknowledgments (stewardship), receipts, event invitations.

Completed Status on Step

When the tasks, moves or contacts associated with the step have been completed and the strategy has moved to the next step, the status is marked completed.


How an individual or organization relates to UNC. Records may have more than one constituency.

Ex: Student, Alumnus, Prospect, Event registrant, Fundraiser


An individual or organization that supports or interacts with UNC. A record in the system.

Ex: students, alumni, employees, donors, prospects, event attendees, vendors, speakers at events, parents of students, etc.

Constituent Gives Anonymously

A constituent record whose identity is known but the constituent has requested no public acknowledgement for their gifts and should not be listed on any honor rolls.

Constituent Lookup ID

The Personal ID (PID) that identifies a constituent as someone with a direct relationship to the university (student, alumnus, employee). These all start with the number 7.

Davie generates Lookup IDs for new records when they are created if the constituent does not have a university PID. These auto-generated IDs all start with the number 8.

Constituent Search

How to find a constituent record in Davie.

Constituent Summary Box

Provides a concise overview of a constituent by displaying selected data from the constituent’s record. It is displayed at the top of the screen on the Constituent view, no matter which tab is currently being viewed on the record.

The information in the Constituent Summary box only changes when you change views on a record. i.e. – Slightly different information is displayed when the record is viewed as a Prospect, Event registrant, Alumnus or Group member.

Constituent View

The main view of a record that includes pertinent summary information.


The point person at an organization. Users can define the type of contact such as Primary, Volunteer Coordinator, Marketing, etc.

Contact Method

This signifies what type of contact method was used to contact the prospect. Examples are Personal Visit, Electronic, Phone.

Contact Report

The record of contact with a prospect that is associated with a plan. A contact moves a prospect closer to a gift. A contact report closes a step.