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  • Gives Anonymously indicates that the constituent is anonymous from the constituent level.
  • Given Anonymously indicates that the transaction is anonymous at the gift level
  • Confidential indicates that the constituent has requested their information not be released or published

Items to Note:

    • If Given Anonymously is Yes but the Gives Anonymously has No, a transaction has been marked anonymous and the constituent does NOT receive recognition credit.
    • If Gives Anonymously is Yes and Given Anonymously is Yes, the constituent receives recognition credit for gifts/transactions.

For the purpose of honor rolls, donor lists and any type of giving publication, individuals marked as Gives Anonymously should not be listed and their information should not be published publicly without prior consent from the donor.   The includes their name and/or donation amount.


Additionally, in any publication, regardless of the purpose, where the individual is marked Confidential, their information should never be published publicly.

Gifts that are anonymous at the gift level should not be part of any constituent’s donor recognition for public view without their consent.  These gifts can qualify the constituent for recognition programs, but the Recognition Program manager will have to manually add the appropriate program or level and indicate this within the Recognition Program via the Anonymous field.

If you have any questions related to these definitions, please reach out to the Davie Helpdesk.

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