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Add an Event

When you add a new event, you enter information about the event including dates, start and end times, total capacity, and location.


  1. Enter the name and description of the event. Always remember to use the naming convention when creating events.  The description is optional.
  2. Select a category for the event.
  3. Select the applicable sites if this event belongs to a specific site or multiple sites in your organization.  Always choose a site. This will help when searching for events.
  4. Mark this checkbox if you do not want the event to display on the event calendar.  Remember, when events are on the calendar it is helpful for everyone planning events. 
  5. UNC-Chapel Hill will not be using this field.
  6. Click Copy options to display the Copy from event window.  In the Copy from field, search for an existing event and mark the checkboxes for those options you want copied to the new event.  For example, it is important to copy the expenses for your program events.
  7. Enter the start and end dates and times for the event. The start date is required. The end date is not but it is a good idea to put an end date. It will be removed from the calendar once the event has occurred.
  8. To track the effectiveness of fundraising for the event, search for and select the fundraising appeal to associate with the event.  GAA Events do not have a fundraising appeal.
  9. Search for and select the location where the event takes place. If the location you select includes different rooms, you can select or add a room to use for this event.  Enter the total number of attendees the event can accommodate.  (This is optional)
  10. Search for and select the individual constituent who serves as a contact for the event location. The contact person must have the faculty/staff constituency on their record.
  11. Save the event.

The Event Record

Each event record contains a summary area and includes several tabs that store information about the event.

An event expenses thermometer and an event capacity thermometer display in the summary area at the top of the event record.

  • The event expenses thermometer displays a comparison of the total amount budgeted for expenses and the total amount you have agreed to spend.
  • The event capacity thermometer displays a comparison of the total event capacity and the total number of registrants.



The following table identifies the tabs available on the event record and includes a description of each.




Displays information about the tasks required to prepare for the event and coordinators assigned to the event.


Displays constituents registered for the event.


Displays the speakers associated with the event.


Displays the expenses budgeted and accrued for the event.


Displays registration options, registration packages, and preferences for the event.


Displays information about the invitations for the event.


Displays designations associated with the event’s fees.


Displays the appeals associated with the event.


Displays notes, attachments, or links related to the event.

Job Occurrences

Displays volunteer jobs associated with the event.

Lodging Options

Displays lodging locations with rooms allocated for the event.


Displays campaigns and sub priorities associated with the event.


Add Multi-Level Events

When UNC-Chapel Hill has an event that includes smaller events, you can add a multi-level event.


  1. Select the multi-level event template to use.
  2. The options on the action bar allow you to add and manage events in the multi-level event.
    1. Use the arrows to show the hierarchical levels or tiers of events and how the supporting events are related.
    2. Click Add to create a new event.
    3. Click Copy from to add a new event based on a previous event.  
    4. Click Add existing to add an event that already exists in your database.
    5. Click Edit to edit the selected event.
    6. Click Delete to delete the selected event.
  3. Each event you add to the multi-level event displays in a hierarchical format.

When adding a multi-level event you start with the overall event (such as Spring Reunions). There will not be any registrations for the overall event.


For Multi-level events you MUST pick a template from the Event management template menu.


  1. Enter the Name of the overall event
  2. Enter a Description for the event
  3. Choose the appropriate event Category (such as Alumni, Board/Council Meeting, Scholarship Ball, etc.) from the drop-down list
  4. Choose the Site (group) that is hosting the event from the drop-down list
  5. Check the  “Event allows designations on fees” box
  6. Add start and end dates
  7. Add the location for the event (if the location is not found when you search, you will need to click the add button and create the event location).   The location information will include the capacity of event space.
  8. Click OK to save the event.

The sub events (such as OSC luncheon, Seminars and Banquets) are then created under the overall event.
Follow the same steps listed above.
Once all of your events are created you can then move them around under the overall event  using the arrow buttons on the screen (see below).


Event Summary Record

All events associated with multi-level events have an event summary record.

The following table identifies the tabs on the event summary record and includes a description of each.




Displays information about the main event and each event that supports the main event.


Displays tasks for all events associated with the main event.


Displays registrants for all events associated with the main event.


Displays expenses for all events associated with the main event.

Event Setup Tasks

Once you create the event, you can add and manage additional information related to the event.

Add Event Coordinators

On the Tasks/Coordinators tab of an event page, you can view and manage the coordinators associated with the event. Event coordinators are the staff members or committees that oversee an event. To Add a coordinator to an event they must have the constituency of Faculty/Staff.  There may be more than one coordinator for an event, but only one can be set as primary.

Add Event Tasks

An event task is a job that must be completed in preparation for an event.  

Click on Add a task and fill in the Name, comment, owner and date due fields.  Click Save.

Note: The owner of the task must also be listed as a coordinator.

Completed Tasks

Once a task owner completes an assigned task, you can mark the task complete. Once a task is marked completed it will no longer show in the task list, unless you filter the list and click the “include completed” box.

Add Registration Options

Registration options are specific options that you define for each registration type included in the event.  You must have at least one option to be able register attendees.   Click the Add button on the options tab.

  1. Select the registration type to use for the registration option.
  2. Enter a name for the registration option. The name of the registration type defaults in this field, but you can modify as necessary.
  3. Enter the registration count for the registration option. It defaults to the number set on the registration type, but you can modify as necessary.
  4. Enter the amount a registrant must pay to attend the event.
  5. Enter the total cost for the registration type.
  6. Enter any benefits associated with the registration option. (GAA will not be using this)

Note:  You will need to follow these steps for each registration type. (member, non-member, individual, couple, child, etc.)

Add Registration Preferences

For some events, you may want to capture preference information. You can set up these registration preferences on the event record, then specify each attendees preferences as you register them.


Add Registration Packages

For multi-level events, you can use registration packages to combine registration options from each of the supporting events. With registration packages, constituents can register for multiple events in one action.  All sub-events will need to have their options set up before you create the registration packet.


Add Vendors

Vendors supply many of the goods and services required for events.  To add a vendor go to the expenses tab. Click on the add button.  This is optional.

In Davie, you must create an organization constituent record for each vendor. Once you add the constituent to an event expense, a constituency code of Vendor is automatically added to the organization’s constituent record.  You do not have to add the vendor before setting up the expenses.

Add Event Expenses

An event expense is a debt your organization incurs or plans to incur when you host an event.


  1. Select the event on which to add the expense.
  2. Select the type of expense.
  3. Search for and select the vendor.
  4. Enter the total amount budgeted for the expense.
  5. Enter the total amount you and the vendor agree upon for the service and the date the payment is due.
  6. Enter the total amount paid and the payment date.
  7. Enter any additional information about the expense.

Add Appeals

To track revenue applied toward an event other than event registrations, you can associate an event with an appeal.  

Add Event Speakers

On the Speakers tab of an event record, you can add and manage event speakers.


  1. Click the add button on the Speakers tab
  2. Enter the name of the Speaker.  They must have a record in Davie. If they do not you can create a record for them.
  3. Enter the Topic they will be speaking about
  4. Enter Date of event (optional)
  5. Enter the Time of the event (optional)
  6. Add any Comments about the speaker  (optional)

Add Lodging Options

On the Lodging Options tab of an event record, you add and manage the lodging facilities and rooms allocated for an event.


  1. Click the Add button on the Lodging Options tab
  2. Enter the Lodging location. Location must have a record in Davie. If they do not you can a record for them.
  3. Enter Room types available (including the number of people the rooms sleep and quantity of rooms allocated)
  4. Click the Save button