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Tax ID Number

A non profit’s identifying number with the Internal Revenue Service. Used to track trusts, enter the trust’s tax ID number.


Contact method. Other activities necessary to the completion of a plan. For example, this could be the drafting of a gift agreement, entering a research request, or creating a planned gift scenario for a prospect.

Target Amount

The amount of the gift that will be requested from a prospect during solicitation.

Sub Events

Any event that is a child of another event.  An example of a sub-event would be the Saturday Luncheon of the Alumni Weekend Event.

Suffix 2

Professional titles, such as DDS, MD, Esq, etc.

Suffix 1

Personal suffix, such as Sr., Jr., III, IV, etc.


A specific sub-purpose or minor objective for fundraising commitments/efforts; see priority.

Stock Gift Subtype

A drop down menu to further define the type of stock gift received.

Stewarded Donor

A constituent who receives stewardship reports for a Purpose annual. Typically, this is the principal donor or members of their family.


A step is considered a move within a prospect plan. A step can be an interaction. A series of steps can be loaded into a prospect plan by plan outline. Steps consist of the objective, the user assigned, expected and completed dates.