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Vendor Managed List

A list that the organization does not own and the organization does not have access to the names.  The organization may still create list codes and segment codes to prepare for mailing.

Unqualified Opportunity Status

Preliminary figure for planning purposes. This signifies that the prospect is in cultivation. Most plans will have an unqualified opportunity at creation.

Unplanned Contact Report

A contact report added to a plan that does not complete a plan step.


Total number of individuals or businesses that might be included in a mailing list, or all those who meet a set of specifications. – Overall pool of records that could be included in marketing effort; Sets initial limits.

Uncommitted Batch

A batch that is still in process of being entered in the constituent system but records are not updated.

UNC Constituent Profile Report

Similar to the Data Support Sheet in Advise. This report allows you to choose which information about the constituent you wish to view. The report can be saved in several formats and edited once it has been downloaded.


The constituent being honored/memorialized by a tribute gift. The tributee must have a record in Davie.


A donation made in honor/memory of another person. Tributees are records in the system and tributes in their honor/memory are aggregated on that record.

Title 2

Salutation titles such as Judge, Reverend, Mr., Ms. etc.

Title 1

Mr., Ms., Mrs., The Honorable, Dr., etc.